Saturday, December 28, 2019
Gays and Homosexuality Personal Choice or Act of God Essay
Homosexuality: Personal Choice or Act of God? Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, not thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) Homosexuality has been around as long for as there is recorded history. Through the years, however, the opinions towards homosexuality have changed. Now, homosexuality is being labeled as a genetic trait rather than as a psychological problem. Not everyone believes this to be true, however. I have always believed that homosexuality is genetic and I decided to search the web for†¦show more content†¦As many religious folk hold the same opinions based on religion, siblings who are as similar as identical twins may also be greatly affected by what one or the other decides for their own life. Also, we do not know how these people were chosen for this sample. It is possible that the twin homosexuals who were observed for the experiment were chosen based on their similar sexual preferences. Robertson tries to explain how homosexuality is passed down the family tree. He claims that the x sex chromosome that is carried down from the mother is the determining factor to tell whether the child will be gay or straight. Robertson writes that he found this information in a magazine called Science. I searched the web for any kind of information about the article written in the 1993 issue of Science magazine that Robertson reportedly received his information from but there was no record of it anywhere. Elsewhere in the article, Robertson writes about how we should be considered normal. The we that he refers to is all homosexuals. He writes that homosexuals should be given all the same rights as heterosexuals and that the information in his article proves that he and all other homosexuals never had a choice. Unfortunately, this ending to his article makes me wonder how much of the information he provides is objective. What are his motivations for choosing these specific experiments? Is Robertson making the mistake of false dilemma? Is he assuming thatShow MoreRelatedChristianity s Strict Regulations For Sex1590 Words  | 7 PagesChristianity has strict regulations when it comes to sex. According to the bible sex is an act of procreating between a married man and women. The definition does not stray from that and it is not flexible. Any other type of sex is deemed a sin. Sexuality can be related to gender or how someone identifies themself, for example homosexual or heterosexual. Sex is more than just an act, it can be ones desire, behavior, or identity. 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The other part is actually coming out to their peers, family, and friends and for them to accept him as well. There are many obstacles when it comes to coming out and when it relates to Judaism. â€Å"According to information published by The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, thereRead MoreEssay about Religion and Gay Rights1124 Words  | 5 PagesSince the beginning of time there has been homosexuality and that has always led to a debate of opinions. But in the last 20 years this topic has jumped to the top of the religious/political controversy list. This topic is important to all Americans because so many different groups have a stakeholder pos ition in this issue. Adoption agencies, health services, insurance companies and the wedding industry just to name a few. Many believe legalizing marriage for same-sex couples would not only change
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Analysis Of The Article Why Question The Rules
The article â€Å"Why question the rules†written by Larissa Behrendt in 2003 is a compelling piece that shines a light on the gap in Indigenous peoples lives and the psychological ‘terra nullius’ that continues due to the lack of understanding by nonindigenous people that the indigenous feel (Behrendt, 2003). Behrendt is concerned in making long-term, permanent changes to regional framework agreements, constitutional protections, economic redistribution and creating a treaty, just to mention a few (Behrendt, 2003). Behrendt was born in 1969, two years after the constitutional referendum was brought in as well as the end of the policy that allowed the removal of aboriginal children to be removed from their family (Behrendt, 2003). Behrendt provides a clearly articulated summary of what indigenous Australians want and need, how they feel and how it can all be achieved (Behrendt, 2003). Behrendt was one of the few fortunate children in her culture in the 70’ s who was sent to school. Her schooling fuelled her frustration due to the lack of understanding to the extent of what her people, especially the stolen generation had to endure on their own land for so long (Behrendt, 2003). Behrendt desires to resolve the lack of knowledge and achieve change as she understood the impact of what indigenous people felt to do with dispossession, removal, and incarceration, so she became a lawyer (Behrendt, 2003). Behrendt argues why formal equality is not applicable when the lawsShow MoreRelatedDiscourse Features Of Mental Health1658 Words  | 7 Pagesthe interaction between other health care professionals and their clients. The research of online community that has gained increased attention by public media and health experts (Wolf et al, 2013) appeared, and there was also critical discourse analysis on the pro-anorexia movement (Knapton, 2013). From these researches, I am able to see that discourse features tend to be different due to different participates, for example, people who are suffering from eating disorder and those who recovered fromRead MoreClassroom Management For Students With Emotional And Behavioral Disorders1332 Words  | 6 Pagesthe most important aspects of teachers is managing their classroom effectively with both management and structure. Creating Classroom Rules for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Decision-Making Guide ( Kostewicz, Ruhl, Kubina, 2008) described classroom management strategies as well as provided six step-by-step clear rule decision making questions. Emotional and Behavioral Disorder (EDB) students have a reputation when entering a classroom creating a significant challenge for classroomRead MoreParental Mental Illness And Eating Disorders Essay946 Words  | 4 Pages1. Summarize the article In the article of Parental Mental Illness and Eating Disorder in Offspring, Bould and other researchers (2015) presented a study which investigated the causal relationship between parental mental illness of specific types and eating disorders in their offspring (p. 383). In addition to the data from a longitudinal record-linkage study of children resided in Stockholm County in Sweden from 2001 to 2007, Bould et al. (2015) used the eating disorder status of the childrenRead MoreCompensation at W.L. Gore Templete in Apa Format1054 Words  | 5 PagesCompensation at W. L. Gore Your Name MS510: Human Resources Management Professor Louis Lopez Month Date, Year Review/Analysis of Findings (center) Text starts here... This section holds several purposes. More than an evaluation of the existing research, this section is where you will draw conclusions from the research and creates links to the â€Å"real world†through application of the findings. 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The two articles, â€Å"The Tasks and Traditions of Interpretation†and â€Å"Western Scholarship and The Qur’an†, interpret the Qur’an from two distinct points of view. The first article, â€Å"The Tasks and Traditions of Interpretation†by Jane McAuliffe introduces a famous commentator named Ali Ibn-al-JawzÄ « and explains his analysis on the different SurÄ s within the Qur’an. McAuliffe also introduces other famous commentators and compares them to Ibn al-JawzÄ «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s view. In the article â€Å"Western ScholarshipRead MoreThe Religious Issues Of The Malay Population During Colonial Rule1262 Words  | 6 PagesPart one: essay proposal (200-300 words) a) Giving a brief explanation of the scope of the essay (the figure you will examine, the time period, geographical focus, etc). Question: How did the British managed the religious issues of the Malays during colonial rule in Singapore? 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Human Psychology for Technological Acceptance- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theHuman Factors Psychology for Technological Acceptance. Answer: Introduction With the change in demography all around the world, the business trends of technological advancements change. People like to use new technology but are bounded by their level of acceptance and their ability to use the new gadgets. The main challenge for the new technological companies is to make gadgets or applications which can be used by people who are in their late 60s and are at the age or retirement (Lee, 2017). Young people have started using these technologies from the time when they are inkindergarten but elderly have to learn the new functions. The following report is about the human factors psychology in relation with a smart home company SMARTHAUS4U who wants to develop a smart home app for older people considering their special need of safety, mobility problems and medical conditions. Technological Acceptance Acceptance of technology is known to be the approval, successful reception and continuous use of the services and devices which discovers the relation between the motives of end-users and their attitudes which may be cognitive and effective in adapting to new changes. Technology acceptance has been majorly seen among the young adult who is working on the base of new technology systems (Comunello, Mulargia Belotti, 2017). But the older people are still not so much familiar with the new technology as they have psychological blockages that the new systems is not meant for them and they have a comfort zone from which they do not want to get out. Another factor is the acceptance of medical technologies which is still in question as people around the world think that medical technologies are oriented around the older people who are commonly ill (Mertens, 2017). They are prone to diseases which are caused by increasing age. Older people are not willing to be dependent on the medical technology as they have less faith in them and are inclined to use the conventional manual methods for their safety and mobility problems. One more prominent factor in creating a smart home app is that the hardware for its monitoring is installed and deployed in the walls of homes, furniture and clothes which the older people wear to monitor their movements and for the ease of access. These factors of surveillance compromises the personal space of the patient or the user. The new device over step their intimacy and privacy and generates a sense of loss of control on their personal lives (SalehzadehNiksirat, Silpasuwanchai Wang, 2017). With the use of technology and gadgets in day to day lives of the older people for their health, safety and mobility, they tend to feel that they are completely dependent on the technological tools for their daily chores. Contradiction is there in this thought as some elderly people think that technology has made them independent of other people and they do not want any manual support for live their lives. But the number of such people is considerably less. Psychological Impact of Technology on Ageing People By observing from the various studies done on the older people and their level of acceptance of the changing technology, it was found that the older adults face huge difficulties when they have to use the modern technology. There have new developments in the human centered designs of PDA devices which can significantly reduce the complexities which elder people face in using the new technology (Woll Bratteteig, 2017). It is quite evident that older people have less level of acceptance for the new devices may it be a smartphone or other device of personal use. They have less knowledge about the functioning of the devices and they feel very hesitant in approaching towards the new technology. Since they have lower knowledge about the modern technology it is due to the reason that they have a completely different understanding about the functioning of the devices which keeps them from using them. Their mental stigma is too outdated and they perceive things as the conventional methods wh ich they have built in their minds over the years (Santana-Mancilla Anido-Rifn, 2017). Older adults gained their education when the technological devices were not invented and the machines that they used were far less complex for them as compared to the new devices. Therefore they have much less experience in using them which is a grate cause for their hesitation.Older adults have very low self-confidence for using the new technology devices as they feel that if they use them then the device will malfunction and they can destroy these expensive devices (Fornara Manca, 2017). There have been a difference in opinion about the reliability of the medical technologies among different age groups of people. Young adults are fa more convinced that the medical technologies can be of much help for ailments which hamper the safety and mobility of a person as they have that level of reliance on the new medical technology (Schmidt Kampmeier, 2017). But in the case of older adults, they feel that being completely dependent on the new technology products of medical care is not reli able for them and this produces ambivalent feelings inside them which keeps them at bay from using the modern technology. These reasons are partly genuine and justified from the perspective of the older adults as one cannot use and be completely dependent on the products whom they do not trust. Conclusion It can be concluded here that, SMARTHAUS4U, a modern technology company which wants to develop a smart home app for the safety andmobility of the older adults has to go through a lot for making a place in hearts of the elderly people as there is a very low level of technological acceptance among them due to various psychological constraints which are discussed in the above report. It is a very nice sentiment of the SMARTHAUS4U that the product will cater to the needs of the elderly who cannot do all things of their daily chores by themselves due to their age but people who tend to use them should also be convinced to the extent so that they can completely rely on the modern day tools. It can thus be concluded that there are many human factors of psychology which will come in the way of SMARTHAUS4U to realize this project. References Comunello, F., FernndezArdvol, M., Mulargia, S., Belotti, F. (2017). Women, youth and everything else: age-based and gendered stereotypes in relation to digital technology among elderly Italian mobile phone users.Media, Culture Society,39(6), 798-815. Fornara, F., Manca, S. (2017). Healthy residential environments for the elderly. InHandbook of environmental psychology and quality of life research(pp. 441-465). Springer International Publishing. Lee, A. R. (2017). Psychological proximity to issues of the elderly: The role of age-morphing technology in campaigns for the elderly.Computers in Human Behavior,69, 311-323. Mertens, A., Becker, S., Theis, S., Rasche, P., Wille, M., Brhl, C., ...Schlick, C. (2017). Mobile Technology Improves Therapy-Adherence Rates in Elderly Patients Undergoing RehabilitationA Crossover Design Study. InAdvances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare(pp. 295-308). Springer International Publishing. SalehzadehNiksirat, K., Silpasuwanchai, C., Ren, X., Wang, Z. (2017, May). Towards Cognitive Enhancement of the Elderly: A UX Study of a Multitasking Motion Video Game. InProceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM. Santana-Mancilla, P. C., Anido-Rifn, L. E. (2017). The Technology Acceptance of a TV Platform for the Elderly Living Alone or in Public Nursing Homes.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,14(6), 617. Schmidt, S., Kampmeier, A. S. (2017). Caring TVfor Older People with Multimorbidity Living Alone: Positive Feedback from Users in Berlin and Rural Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. InSafe at Home with Assistive Technology(pp. 43-57). Springer International Publishing. Woll, A., Bratteteig, T. (2017). Activity Theory as a Framework to Analyze Technology-Mediated Elderly Care.Mind, Culture, and Activity, 1-16.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Theater Essay Research Paper Villa Vendidos y free essay sample
Theater Essay, Research Paper Villa, Vendidos, Y Vatos Actos are contemplations of a Chican @ s experience. Just like most Chican @ s are different from each other, but at the nucleus portion the same value system, so it is with actos. Huerta uncovers the significance of three actos, The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa, Los vendidos, La victima, that portion the subject of Chican @ individuality in the late 20th century. More significantly each drama tries to show what a Chican @ should non be and provides options that are positive. The acto that is most expressed with the Chican @ individuality is The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa. The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa like other actos by Luis Valdez are political and trade with endurance in El Notre. Unlike the telecasting show, Survivor, Valdez s characters are fighting for cultural endurance while come oning economically. The drama is of Mexican parents seeking to maintain their household together. We will write a custom essay sample on Theater Essay Research Paper Villa Vendidos y or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Like most mythology, there are two opponent siblings who transform throughout the acto. Joaquin becomes the modern twenty-four hours Robin Hood, stealing from rich and giving to the hapless. Domingo, on the manus, is el vendido the 1 who deny his Chicano individuality. There are other characters such as the parents, Pedro y Cruz, their other kids Belo, the caput of Pancho Villa, and Lupe. But it is Joaquin and Domingo who represent the two opposing forces that each Chican @ trades with on a regular footing. Domingo represents an utmost representation of cultural memory loss. Like an old brace of denims that don t tantrum, Chicano individuality I s like a spirit Domingo is seeking to exorcize. He develops a negative attitude towards his household because they are non Americanized. He believes that his household is defeated and that they need to travel out of the barrio. He tries to promote his female parent to travel out of the vicinity. She insists in remaining put because she knows that the new neighbours will non accept her boy Belo. Domingo in clip becomes Mr. Sunday. He is now a societal worker who speaks largely English. He represents the Chican @ who has forgotten where he has come from. His amnesiatic province is so terrible that he has experienced a cultural leukotomy. Joaquin is the Chican @ that becomes cognizant of who he is and his predicament in the strategy of things. He experiences unfairness at the manus of the constabulary. Because of the deficiency of nutrient and poorness in EL barrio, he organizes the neighbours to steal from the supermarket. He is arrested and taken to prison to be rehabilitated. When he is released from prison, he is reformed and headless. He represents the Chican @ who fights for societal justnesss but who in clip is arrested or becomes excessively tired to contend. But Huerta says Belarmino the caput of Pancho Villa is the hope for the hereafter or the subjugation of the present. ( Huerta, 59 ) For this hope to digest, the Chicano will hold to acquire organized by uniting the caput of Pancho Villa and the headless organic structure of Joaquin. Even thought this drama was written many old ages ago, it still has relevancy to many Chican @ s today. Chican @ s still have to fight with who they are in state that looks down upon their cultural values.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Battle of Contreras - Mexican-American War - Battle of Padierna - Winfield Scott
Battle of Contreras - Mexican-American War - Battle of Padierna - Winfield Scott Battle of Contreras - Conflict Dates: The Battle of Contreras was fought August 19-20, 1847, during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). Armies Commanders United States Major General Winfield ScottMajor General William Worth8,500 men Mexico General Antonio Lopez de Santa AnnaGeneral Gabriel Valencia5,000 men Battle of Contreras - Background: Though Major General Zachary Taylor had triumphed in a series of victories at Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and Monterrey, President James K. Polk decided to shift the focus of the American war effort from northern Mexico to a campaign against Mexico City. Though this was largely due to Polks concerns about Taylors political ambitions, it was also supported by intelligence reports that an advance against Mexico City from the north would be exceptionally difficult. As a result, a new army was formed under Major General Winfield Scott and instructed to capture the key port city of Veracruz. Coming ashore on March 9, 1847, Scotts command moved against the city and captured it after a twenty-day siege. Constructing a major base at Veracruz, Scott began making plans to advance inland before yellow fever season arrived. Moving inland, Scott routed the Mexicans, led by General Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna, at Cerro Gordo the following month. Pressing on, Scott captured Puebla where he paused to rest and reorganize through June and July. Resuming the campaign in early August, Scott elected to approach Mexico City from the south rather than force the enemy defenses at El Peà ±Ãƒ ³n. Rounding Lakes Chalco and Xochimilco his men arrived at San Augustin on August 18. Having anticipated an American advance from the east, Santa Anna began redeploying his army to the south and assumed a line along the Churubusco River (Map). Battle of Contreras - Scouting the Area: To defend this new position, Santa Anna placed troops under General Francisco Perez at Coyoacan with forces led by General Nicholas Bravo to the east at Churubusco. On the west end of the Mexican line was General Gabriel Valencias Army of the North at San Angel. Having established his new position, Santa Anna was separated from Scott by a vast lava field known as the Pedregal. On August 18 Scott ordered Major General William J. Worth to take his division along the direct road to Mexico City. Moving along the east edge of the Pedregal, this force came under heavy fire at San Antonio, just south of Churubusco. Unable to flank the Mexicans due to the Pedregal to the west and water to the east, Worth elected to halt. As Scott pondered his next move, Valencia, a political rival of Santa Annas, elected to abandon San Angel and moved five miles south to a hill near the villages of Contreras and Padierna. Santa Annas orders for him to return to San Angel were refused and Valencia argued he was in a better position to defend or attack depending on the enemys course of action. Unwilling to mount a costly frontal assault on San Antonio, Scott began contemplating moving up the west side of the Pedregal. To scout the route, he dispatched Robert E. Lee, recently brevetted to major for his actions at Cerro Gordo, along with an infantry regiment and some dragoons west. Pressing into the Pedregal, Lee reached Mount Zacatepec where his men dispersed a group of Mexican guerrillas. Battle of Contreras - Americans on the Move: From the mountain, Lee was confident that the Pedregal could be crossed. Relating this to Scott, he convinced his commander to change the armys line of advance. The next morning, troops from Major General David Twiggs and Major General Gideon Pillows divisions moved out and began constructing a path along the route traced by Lee. In doing so, they were unaware of Valencias presence at Contreras. By early afternoon, they had reached a point past the mountain to where they could see Contreras, Padierna, and San Geronimo. Moving down the forward slope of the mountain, Twiggs men came under fire from Valencias artillery. Countering this, Twiggs advanced his own guns and returned fire. Taking overall command, Pillow directed Colonel Bennett Riley to take his brigade to the north and west. After crossing a small river they were to take San Geronimo and cut off the enemys line of retreat. Moving over rough terrain, Riley found no opposition and occupied the village. Valencia, engaged in the artillery duel, failed to see the American column. Concerned that Riley was isolated, Pillow later directed Brigadier General George Cadwaladers brigade and Colonel George Morgans 15th Infantry to join him. As the afternoon progressed, Riley scouted the rear of Valencias position. During this time, they also detected a large Mexican force moving south from San Angel. This was Santa Anna leading reinforcements forward. Seeing the plight of his comrades across the stream, Brigadier General Persifor Smith, whose brigade was supporting the guns that were firing on Valencia, began to fear for the safety of the American forces. Unwilling to directly assault Valencias position, Smith moved his men into the Pedregal and followed the route used earlier. Joining with the 15th Infantry shortly before sunset, Smith began planning an attack on the Mexican rear. This was ultimately called off du e to darkness. Battle of Contreras - A Quick Victory: To the north, Santa Anna, faced with a difficult road and a setting sun, elected to withdraw back to San Angel. This removed the threat to the Americans around San Geronimo. Consolidating the American forces, Smith spent the evening designing a dawn attack intended to strike the enemy from three sides. Desiring permission from Scott, Smith accepted Lees offer to cross the Pedregal in the darkness to take a message to their commander. Upon meeting Lee, Scott was pleased with the situation and directed him to find troops to support Smiths effort. Locating Brigadier General Franklin Pierces brigade (temporarily led by Colonel T.B. Ransom), it was ordered to demonstrate in front of Valencias lines at dawn. During the night, Smith ordered his men as well as Rileys and Cadwaladers to form for battle. Morgan was directed to cover the road north to San Angel while Brigadier General James Shields recently arrived brigade was to hold San Geronimo. In the Mexican camp, Valencias men were cold and tired having endured a long night. They were also increasingly concerned about the whereabouts of Santa Anna. At daybreak, Smith ordered the Americans to attack. Storming forward, they routed Valencias command in a fight that lasted only seventeen minutes. Many of the Mexicans attempted to flee north but were intercepted by Shields men. Rather than come to their assistance, Santa Anna continued falling back towards Churubusco. Battle of Contreras - Aftermath: The fighting at the Battle of Contreras cost Scott around 300 killed and wounded while Mexican losses numbered approximately 700 killed, 1,224 wounded, and 843 captured. Recognizing that the victory had unhinged the Mexican defenses in the area, Scott issued a flurry of orders following Valencias defeat. Among these were orders which countermanded earlier directives for Worths and Major General John Quitmans divisions to move west. Instead, these were ordered north towards San Antonio. Sending troops west into the Pedregal, Worth quickly outflanked the Mexican position and sent them reeling north. As the day progressed, American forces drove forward on both sides of the Pedregal in pursuit of the enemy. They would catch up with Santa Anna around noon at the Battle of Churubusco. Selected Source PBS: Battle of ContrerasBattle of Contreras: Official Report Battle of Contreras - Map
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Using The Family Structural Theory How Can Families Created Following
Using The Family Structural Theory How Can Families Created Following Using The Family Structural Theory How Can Families Created Following Second Marriages Learn To – Coursework Example Family Structural Theory The family structural theory that was developed by Salvador Munchin d that a person’s behavior and character was influenced by his relation with other people in the family. The nuclear family, according to Salvador, consisted of the father, mother and children. Without either of the parents, the family would be incomplete and, therefore, needed to be completed by an external partner. However, integration of such a family becomes very complicated when there are children. The first step to consider when merging the families is the assimilation and integration of the goals and objectives from the two sides. These are two different partners who were married before and had lived with different kinds of rules and cultures. The cultural and normative differences of the spouses must be harmonized to become one. The second major factor to be considered is the children. The children have been affected by both eternal stressor and the internal stressor. External stressor is the absence of one parent while internal stressor is the presence of this new parent. It is the duty of the spouse to ensure that the children have adapted to the new condition without going through any difficulty. The biological parent has to make sure the step parent is respected by his or her children. The step-father or step-mother must also show love to these newly found children. The biological parent must take charge of all major decision-makings on the issues to do with the children. He or she must be the one setting the rules while the step parent only reminds the kids of these rules. However, the theory has it that the children will always take long time to fully adapt. ReferenceGlick P. (1999). Remarried Families: A brief Demographic Profile: A Journal of Family Relationship, 38(1).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
Assignment Example Consequently, McDonald’s is liable to pay to Liebeck for all the damages. In this scenario, I would analyse this situation from the Communitarian point of view. It speaks of shifting the balance of rights and responsibilities from the individual to the society. Liebeck here is at the same time trying to enjoy the liberty of being a free individual and is also trying to shift the blame of her individualistic errors in actions and judgement on to McDonalds. But still under the principle of compensatory justice, McDonalds by giving compensation to Liebeck, tried to restore her for the burns she received by the coffee spill over. (Bohlman and Dundas, 2004) However, there are no hard and fast rules when determining the compensation. But ethics and law make an effort that the tortfeasor is able to restore an amount equal to the loss incurred. But Liebeck here got compensation not on basis of her damages but on the basis of earnings which McDonalds makes. Important here is that Liebeck here received such generous amount in damages not because she got injured. Bu t because McDonalds acted rash and used statistics over ‘ethics of care’ in dealing with Liebeck; which made the jury decide the verdict in her favour. 2) In light of the above case, what would you propose as an outline plan if you were in charge of business that supplied scientific equipment to engineering laboratories? Assume you have a contract in place to supply the laboratory for 10 years. When assuming the role of a supplier of scientific equipment to the engineering laboratories. The most important law that I must be aware of is the ‘Contract Law’. A contract is made between two parties by the process of offer and acceptance. In this case, engineering laboratories would have made an offer of to my firm for supply of equipment. The offer would have had clearly written down the details of equipment needed and all details pertaining to the business should be written. Then, my
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